Services For Solicitors & Case Managers

Index Medicolegal has been working closely with some of the finest legal firms, insurers and government agencies for the past 20 years to deliver independent expert opinion in a variety of formats across Australia.

We apply our independent medical expertise to your legal cases to support your clients achieve their desired outcome.

Index Medicolegal is your local medicolegal partner, with a global reach.

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Expert Medicolegal Reports

Index Medicolegal has built a reputation for delivering high quality, independent reports that present an expert’s opinion in a balanced manner thereby bridging the gap between highly specialist medical knowledge and a lay person.

Trusted by solicitors and case managers, our medicolegal reports have been used as evidence for thousands of common law matters, professional negligence matters and personal injury proceedings.

Our Medical Director will always ensure that your requests are paired with the medicolegal expert best suited to your case. Because our medicolegal experts are in current clinical practice their opinions are representative of widely held and current professional opinion. Not only do our experts establish rapport with your clients and put them at ease through what can sometimes be a stressful process, they present their well informed and balanced opinions in a timely manner.

Our medicolegal experts undergo a thorough training and mentoring program from experienced medical and legal practitioners thus enabling them to best leverage their decades of clinical experience to efficiently identify and address the key issues of a case in their written reports.

Our medicolegal reports go through an independent review process to ensure full compliance with the relevant evidence rules and are comprehensible to a lay reader. We take our duty to the Court so seriously that even if Index medicolegal is not retained, we will always provide you with independent advice about the type of expert whose opinion you need.

Looking for a reliable, independent, and courtworthy report that is respectful and trusted by all parties in a dispute?

Independent Medical Examinations

Index Medicolegal conducts both face-to-face, and remote Telehealth, Independent Medicolegal Examinations.

An examination is often required for insurance purposes or if damages are being claimed as a result of medical negligence. During a face-to-face examination, a non-treating doctor will assess your client’s current status and treatment of their medical condition. The doctor performing the examination is independent of the organisation requesting the assessment and is not otherwise involved in the management of the patient’s case. These IME’s can take place across Australia from Brisbane to Canberra, Sydney and Perth.

Our experts have experience in performing medical examinations remotely and have garnered a positive reputation interstate and internationally, having conducted these assessments for clients as far afield as the United Kingdom, North America and Continental Europe. Telehealth video call assessments can be extremely useful particularly when working with experts and patients located in different and remote parts of the country or globe. Independent Medicolegal Examinations are not always suited to a video call format and will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Telehealth assessments can take a number of forms. A local surrogate practitioner may be used to perform a physical examination under instructions from an expert who observes via video call. Alternatively, an interview is performed remotely with a deferred physical examination conducted at a later date. More information about the telehealth examination process can be found here.

Medical Negligence and Consent Opinions

As well as personal injury opinions Index Medicolegal experts undertake clinical negligence reports.

This includes file review and reports, file review followed by verbal opinion, remote or face to face interview, and examination.

As clinicians, all of our experts are well versed in the current standard of practice among medical practitioners. Our experts take their duty to justice and to the Court seriously and will provide insights into professional standards (when they have no conflict of interest). Index Medicolegal’s panel of experts are truly independent and choose not to restrict their medicolegal practice to one area of medicolegal practice.

Impairment Assessments / TPD

Index Medicolegal Experts are credentialled to undertake measurements of physical and psychological impairments using the methodologies determined by the relevant jurisdiction’s statutory requirements.

If our assessment concludes that an individual is totally and permanently disabled (TPD), and unable to be economically employed, monetary compensation can be accessed through sources such as income protection, early access to superannuation, or life insurance. TPD determinations can be conducted simultaneously, or as a standalone component in an expert’s report on an injured client. 

File Reviews

A physical examination is not always necessary for an expert to provide an opinion.

A file or paper review can be a useful way in which the instructing party can obtain an expert’s opinion, potentially saving both time and expense. Following a review of file material an expert can receive further instructions as to whether they need to provide a written report that can be tendered as evidence.

Court Evidence

All of our medicolegal experts are aware that their overarching duty when providing a medicolegal opinion is to assist the Court deliver its judgement and they take that duty seriously.

When it is necessary to appear in proceedings our experts do not shy away from this duty or unreasonably limit their availability to provide in person expert testimony.

Index Medicolegal experts will make themselves available for pre-trial conferences, conclaves, and Court proceedings with as much flexibility as their clinical commitments allow. When providing evidence in court, Index Medicolegal experts have garnered positive feedback on the reasonable yet robust manner in which they defend their reports upon cross examination.

Many of Index Medicolegal’s experts have appeared in conclaves in complex legal matters when Courts have directed conclaves of experts to occur. Index Medicolegal provide mentoring to those experts unfamiliar with the conduct expected when appearing in court directed conclaves.

Index Medicolegal experts are provided with training and court room experience, to ensure they are at ease when being cross examined and therefore are able to deliver their evidence with professionalism and confidence.

In Home Examinations

For seriously injured and ill clients, our experts can undertake an Independent Medical Examination of your client in their own home.

An in-home examination can enable an expert to determine the environmental and psychological aspects of an individual’s impairments that cannot be so easily gleaned when that examination takes place in an expert’s consulting rooms.

Class Actions

Index Medicolegal’s independent medical reports have been used in recent Australian Class Action Lawsuits.

Contact Us

If you would like to engage with us for one of the above services, please reach out to us directly.

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Services For Solicitors & Case Managers

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