Dr Marc Walden



Advanced training in Pain Medicine: Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Brisbane and Taunton and Somerset Hospital, UK

Advanced Training Anaesthesia and Intensive Care: Bristol UK, and The Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane.

Current Positions

Independent Expert Experience

Clinical Expertise

Chronic Non-Malignant Painful Conditions, e.g. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), painful neuropathies, Neuropathic Pain and Nerve Entrapment Syndromes using a combination of drug and interventional treatments.

Spinal Pain that is not amenable to surgery such as Failed Back Surgery Syndrome, arachnoiditis, degenerative spinal conditions using a number of treatment modalities including drug treatments, injection techniques, radiofrequency nerve ablation and “advanced” pain therapies, such as spinal cord stimulation and intrathecal drug therapy.

Pain Syndromes in which an individual’s pain is disproportionate to any physical condition by determining the contribution of physical (organic) and psychological (non-organic) components of their pain.

Multidisciplinary Pain Management teams of allied health professionals in pain management programs in which cognitive and behavioural therapy is used to assist individuals with pain better self-manage their condition.

Adult Anaesthesia for all surgical specialties, including day case anaesthesia, spinal and epidural anaesthesia, nerve blocks, pre and post-operative care and pain management.

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Dr Marc Walden

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